Friday, August 8, 2008

Corny biodegradable Flash drives

In journalism most press launches end with a USB Flash drive holding the launch notes being thrust into your hand, and Register Hardware’s got drawers full of the things. Thankfully, a biodegradable drive’s now available.


The corn Flash drive is biodegradable

Manufacturer Hoshino states that the FD-300 biodegradable USB Flash drive is made from, essentially, corn-based polylactides.

This allows the entire drive to be thrown away once you’re done with it, knowing that the unit will be safely broken down in the ground and not cause any problems to Mother Earth.

And, just in case you forget that the drive’s biodegradable, the firm’s shaped it like a healthy ear of corn. Unfortunately, nothing’s been said about the drive’s storage capacity.

It’s available online now, but a price hasn’t been given.

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